The owliest place in town
Yes yes, the time honored tradition of hosting events at a local Minneapolis pub. It sometimes goes on here. Not frequently, but when it does happen you best watch the hell out because things tend to really go off. The board game nights in particular are some of the rowdiest nights in the entire city. Neighbors call the cops, the cops call the SWAT team, and the SWAT team just cowers in the corner because things are far too crazy for them to even contemplate!

Game Night
Whenever the mood strikes, stop by the Green Roof Pub for a spirited game night featuring everything from Nazi Zombies in Call of Duty to Machi Koro, Sushi Go! or any of the other multitude board games on the shelf of AMAZINGNESS!
By appointment only
Happy Hour
This is BS. There is no HH at the Green Roof Pub, mostly because it's not limited to just a single hour during the day. If anything, it's much more like Happy-As-Long-As-You-Want-It-To-Last-Excluding-The-Inevitable-Hangover.
Whenever really
Sunday Brunch
We don't have one of these. Unless you call nursing a hangover with Mickey D's as a Sunday Brunch. If you do, then stop on over for a delicious meal to accompany your pounding head and excruciating queasiness!
Depends on when you want to feel like almost throwing up in the morning.
And it has arrived! The Green Roof Pub will be the official host pub for a backyard Beer-lympics this September!! Participating nations will be able to take part in any and all games they want, with medals to be awarded to the winners (naturally). But what about the losers? THERE ARE NO LOSERS AT THE GREEN ROOF PUB <-- THAT SENTENCE IS SUPER LAME!!
Saturday, September 9 from 1 until people pass out or get a Lyft home!