The owliest place in town

The Green Roof Pub is the preeminent spot in the Twin Cities for people who enjoy geeking out with a good beer - or seven, lounging by the fire pit sharing stories on cool summer nights, or trying to get that elusive AA rating on their favorite DDR song.
An ever changing movie and video game selection and monthly beer specials mean that there is always something to enjoy down at The GRP.
Play Some Games

Video games? Board games?! DDR!!?!?! Get the hell out of town! Yes we have all of those things and none of them are coin operated! Therefore, it is the truest statement that has ever been truthed to say we offer the best entertainment value for your hard-earned dollar!
Enjoy Our Patio

Our patio is equipped with the epitome of charcoal grill technology, as well as THREE chairs and some outdoor string lights. And let's not forget the newest addition to the GRP patio... a bird feeder!
Try Some Beer

Hold onto your butts! Our beer selection is, hands down, one of the finest you will ever find on this, or any other, planet. While we don't carry macro brews, we have a BYOB policy, so nothing is off limits!*
Warm up by the Fire

Say again? ...We have a fire pit. It even features the power of natural wood to either heat customers or melt a mixture of sugar and air more commonly referred to as "marshed-mallows".